Health Hack: Morning Checklist

The military loves checklists.  For some career fields, it feels like there’s a checklist for every action except going to the can/head/toilet. (Number 1 – check.  Number 2 – check.)

For many of us veterans, using checklists has become a deeply ingrained habit pattern.  So why not harness the checklist habit pattern and utilize the checklist tool to create a healthier lifestyle?

Particularly if you have a health condition that affects your memory, thought-process, or motivation, a checklist can be a very helpful aid.  Why not use  checklists as a health life hack? (“Life hacking refers to any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life.”)

Research indicates that it is often beneficial to take positive actions whether or not we “feel like it”.  Since I frequently wake up feeling crappy and either forget to accomplish some or most of my morning routine or just don’t feel like doing it – but I know that my morning routine is good for my health & wellbeing – I have decided to implement a morning checklist.  While it’s easy to destroy my morning routine by gradually skipping more and more days, it’s much more difficult for me to intentionally not accomplish the checklist.  So, for me, routine checklists are an effective life hack.

This is my Morning Checklist:

Morning Health Checklist – One Sick Vet

(Feel free to print it out and use it, or create your own.)

You could also use a daily health journal, a spread sheet, or a chart (like a kid’s chore chart) on the wall or refrigerator or bathroom mirror.  Whatever works for you.  (Anyone know of an app for that?)  The key is to find a way to get yourself to consistently make healthy choices and take healthy actions whether or not you feel like it, or to find a method that helps you remember when you are having difficulty remembering.

What will you do to hack your health today?

Author: Crew Dog

Desert Storm era veteran. SAC trained warrior.

2 thoughts on “Health Hack: Morning Checklist”

  1. I just spent 20 minutes searching for a photo of the toilet-flushing checklist that we used on my submarines. Because, yeah, some of the crew still couldn’t get it right… but apparently none of us ever posted a photo of it.

    I like your morning checklist! It’s a good way to get back on track after a bad night’s sleep– and to avoid distractions or laziness.

    1. Never thought of it, but it makes sense that you bubbleheads have a toilet checklist. (Hmm, that’s probably what you were alluding to here.) Would be cool to see a copy of that.

      I *did* find this one today. 🙂

      Yeah, bad night’s sleep, brain fog, hangover – the checklist should keep me on track regardless.

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