Cool Project: “Dear Problem Patients”

My online friend Brianne Benness wrote a great piece about living with chronic illness, called “Dear Problem Patients: An Open Letter to Anyone Who’s Ever Felt Dismissed by Their Doctor.” And then she decided to turn it into a video collage spoken piece voiced by #OwnVoices chronically ill/disabled people.

Not only is it a really helpful and powerful essay, but the spoken piece is cool too, and I had the honor of participating (anonymously). Check it out – you may find it resonates with you too.

And if you like that, you might want to check out Brianne’s podcast. Many of the podcast episodes have transcripts, and she is working toward having them all transcripted, for accessibility. [I have been interviewed for this podcast, and I’ll let you know when my interview/podcast episode is available.]

Remember, you might be a “problem patient,” but you aren’t alone. There are a lot of good resources available to you, and the chronically ill/disabled community has a strong and vibrant presence online.